

स्काउट-गाइड से सम्बंधित महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-

प्रश्न=01. स्काउट एवं गाइड (scouts and guides ) का कर्त्तव्य नहीं है।
(अ) भगवान के प्रति
(ब) दूसरों के प्रति
(स) स्वंय के प्रति
(द) माता पिता के प्रति✔

प्रश्न=02. स्काउट एवं गाइड के नियमों में धर्म शब्द का अर्थ है
(अ) देश
(ब) भगवान✔
(स) जाति
(द) माता पिता

प्रश्न=03. सवतंत्रता से पहले स्काउट एवं गाइड असफल रहा क्यो कि
(अ) राजा के प्रति स्वामी भक्ति✔
(ब) अंग्रेजों ने भारतीयों को नहीं जोड़ा
(स) भारत के लोग जागरूक नही थें
(द) भारतीयों की उदासीनता

प्रश्न=05. स्काउट एवं गाइड की राजस्थान कौन सी पत्रिका प्रकाशित होती है
(अ) शिविरा
(ब) ज्योति✔
(स) लेखा विज्ञ
(द) उजाला

प्रश्न=06. भारत में सर्वप्रथम स्काउट ( First scout) की शुरुआत कब और कहाँ हुई ?
(अ) शिमला 1909
(ब) जबलपुर 1907
(स) बैंगलूर 1909✔
(द) मद्रास 1910

प्रश्न=07. भारत में प्रथम गाइड ग्रुप की शुरुआत कब और कहाँ हुई ?
(अ) शिमला 1909
(ब) बैंगलूर 1910
(स) जबलपुर 1911✔
(द) मद्रास 1912

प्रश्न=08. स्काउट 22 फरवरी को किस दिवस के रूप में मनाते है ?
(अ) विचार दिवस
(ब) कोशिश दिवस
(स) सेवा दिवस✔
(द) आस्था दिवस

प्रश्न=09. भारत में ‘ द बॉयज स्काउट संघ ‘ की स्थापना किसने की ?
(अ) Annie besant
(ब) Baden powell
(स) Viven
(द) Arundal

प्रश्न=10. 24 वीं विश्व जम्बूरी का आयोजन किस देश में किया ?
(अ) United States✔
(ब) India
(स) China
(द) South Korea

प्रश्न=11.स्काउट गाइड के झंडे का रंग कैसा होता है ?
(अ) पीला
(ब) नीला✔
(स) हरा
(द) सफेद

 प्रश्न=12.विश्व स्काउट ब्यूरो का मुख्यालय कहां है ?

(अ) Geneva

(ब) Manila

(स) Lagos
(द) Brazil

प्रश्न=13. भारत में स्काउट गाइड संघ का मुख्यालय कहां है ?
(अ) Bengaluru
(ब) Delhi✔
(स) Uttar Pradesh
(द) Madhya Pradesh

प्रश्न=14. संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ में भारत स्काउट एवं गाइड को कब शांतिदूत पुरस्कार दिया था ?
(अ) 1986✔
(ब) 1987
(स) 1988
(द) 2002
प्रश्न_15. स्काउट 22 फरवरी को किस रूप में मनाते हैं
(अ) सेवा दिवस✔
(ब) विचार दिवस
(स) कार्य दिवस
(द) आस्था दिवस

 प्रश्न=6. स्वतंत्रता से पूर्व किन किन भारतीयों ने स्काउट आंदोलन में सहयोग दिया
(अ) पंडित मदन मोहन मालवीय
(ब) श्री राम बाजपेई
(स) पंडित हृदयनाथ कुंजरू
(द) उपरोक्त सभी✔
 प्रश्न=17. स्काउट व गाइड की राजस्थान में कौन सी पत्रिका प्रकाशित होती है
(अ) शिविरा
(ब) उजाला
(स) ज्योति✔
(द) लेखा विज्ञ

 प्रश्न=18 राजस्थान में स्काउट व गाइड प्रशिक्षण संस्था नहीं है
(अ) सांगानेर✔
(ब) देवी कुंड
(स) आलनिया
(द) चौपासनी

प्रश्न=19. लॉर्ड बेडेन पावेल (Lord baden powell) में स्काउटिंग कब शुरू की ?
(अ) 1905
(ब) 1906
(स) 1907✔
(द) 1908

प्रश्न=20 लड़कियां स्काउट से कब जोड़ी ?
(अ) 1906
(ब) 1907
(स) 1908
(द) 1909✔

प्रश्न=21. भारत में प्रथम गाइड ग्रुप कहां प्रारंभ हुआ ?
(अ) बेंगलुरु
(ब) जबलपुर ✔
(स) शाहजहांपुर
(द) नैनीताल

प्रश्न=22. अखिल भारतीय गर्ल्स गाइड संघ की स्थापना कब हुई ?
(अ) 1909
(ब) 1913
(स) 1916 ✔
(द) 1919

प्रश्न=23. राज्य परिषद का कार्यकाल कितने वर्ष का होता है ?
(अ) 2 वर्ष
(ब) 3 वर्ष ✔
(स) 5 वर्ष
(द) 7 वर्ष

प्रश्न=24. स्काउट के संस्थापक बे डन पॉवेल का जन्म कब हुआ ?
(अ) 1850
(ब) 1857 ✔
(स) 1865
(द) 1872

प्रश्न=25. बनिस की आयु कितने वर्ष होती है ?
(अ) दो से 6
(ब) 3 से 5
(स) 3 से 6 ✔
(द) 5 से 10

प्रश्न=26. भारत में स्काउट का प्रथम ग्रुप कहां प्रारंभ किया गया ?
(अ) जयपुर
(ब) हैदराबाद
(स) कोलकाता
(द) बेंगलुरु ✔

प्रश्न=27. संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ में भारत स्काउट एवं गाइड को कब शांतिदूत पुरस्कार दिया था ?
(अ) 1986 ✔  
(ब) 1987
(स) 1988
(द) 2002

प्रश्न=28. स्काउट 22 फरवरी को किस रूप में मनाते हैं
(अ) सेवा दिवस ✔  
(ब) विचार दिवस
(स) कार्य दिवस
(द) आस्था दिवस

प्रश्न=29. भारत में स्काउट का प्रथम ग्रुप कहां प्रारंभ किया गया ?
(अ) Jaipur
(ब) Hyderabad
(स) Kolkata
(द) Bengaluru✔

प्रश्=30. भारत में प्रथम गाइड ग्रुप कहां प्रारंभ हुआ ?
(अ) Bengaluru
(ब) Jabalpur✔
(स) Shahjahanpur
(द) Nainital

प्रश्न=31. अखिल भारतीय गर्ल्स गाइड संघ की स्थापना कब हुई ?
(अ) 1909
(ब) 1913
(स) 1916✔
(द) 1919

Q. 32. स्काउट की शुरुआत कब और कहां से की गयी?
A 1907 इंग्लैंड ✔
B 1907 लन्दन
c 1908 जेनेवा
d 1907 जेनेवा

Q. 33. स्काउटिंग ऑफ़ boys पुस्तक कब लिखी गयी ?  
A 1907
B 1911
C 1909
D 1908✔

Q. 34. the skaut associatian in india की शुरुआत किन छात्रों के लिए की गयी ?
A अंग्रेज छात्रों
b भारतीय
C दोनों के लिए ✔
D koi नहीं

Q. 35.स्काउट सेवा समिति की स्थापना कव और कहा से की गयी ?
A 1913 Allahabad✔
B 1913 Jabalpur
C 1911 Allahabad
D इनमे से नहीं

Q. 36. कांस्य भेड़िया पुरस्कार भारत को कितनी बार दिया गया है abhi तक ?  
A 3 ✔
B 5
C 4
D एक बार भी नहीं

Q. 37. silver elephant awards राजस्थान को दिया गया है ?  
A 16 feb 2015✔
b 11 feb 2015
C 16 feb 2018
D 15 feb 2016

Q. 38. हाल ही मे राजस्थान राज्य सरकार स्काउट एण्ड गाइड का 68वा वार्षिक सम्मेलन कव और कहां आयोजित किया गया ? 
A 2018 jodhpur
b 2018 अजमेर ✔
C 2019 ajmer
D 2015 जयपुर

प्रश्न=39. भारत विश्व स्काउट आंदोलन संगठन का सदस्य कब बना.
(अ) 1940
(ब) 1935
(स) 1938✔

प्रश्न=40. भारत में स्काउट और गाइड की स्थापना कब हुई.
(अ) 14 जनवरी 1948
(ब) 7 नवंबर 1950✔
(स) 22 फरवरी1921
(द) 5 नवंबर 1911

प्रश्न=41. स्काउट गाइड ज्योति किस प्रकार की पत्रिका है
(अ) मासिक✔
(ब) त्रैमासिक
(स) छमाही
(द) वार्षिक

प्रश्न=42. भारत में अब तक कितनी जंबूरी ओं का आयोजन हो चुका है
(अ) 5
(ब) 6
(स) 4
(द)3 ✔

प्रश्न=43. राजस्थान में स्काउट और गाइड के कितने मंडलीय मुख्यालय है.
(अ) 5
(ब) 7✔
(स) 9
(द) 6


1.      स्काउट गाइडस का प्रमुख लक्ष्य क्या हैं? 

       आदर्श नागरिक बनना।

2.      स्काउटिंग का प्रथम कैम्प कब लगा और कहाँ लगा?

    29 जुलाई से 09 अगस्त सन 1907 में ब्राउंसी टापू पर। 

3.     गाइडिंग की शुरूआत कब हुई?

        सन 1910 में।

4. विश्व गाइड़ संगठन की स्थापना कब हुई?

        सन 1928 में।

5.      विश्व में गाइड़ के कितने केंद्र कार्यरत है?

   चार 1- अवर शैले                     स्विटजरलैण्ड                               1932

      2- पैक्सलॉज           इंग्लैण्ड़                         1991

      3- अवरकेबाना         मेक्सिको                                       1957

      4- संगम                भारत                           1996

6.      स्काउट का शाब्दिक अर्थ क्या हैं?

        गुप्तचर, भेदियाँ, जासूस्।

7.      लार्ड बी. पी. स्कूल का नाम क्या है?

        बैदिंग टॉवल

8.      लार्ड बी.पी. का बचपन का नाम क्या हैं?


9.      लार्ड बी.पी. किस वर्ष में कैप्टन हो गयें थे?

   सन 1883 में 26 वर्ष की अवस्था में।

10.  लार्ड बी.पी. को स्काउटिंग की प्रेरणा काब मिली?

   सन 1899-1900

11.  बुल्फ कब संस्था कब खुली?

   सन् 1916 में।

12.  प्रथम विश्व जम्बूरी किस सन में और कहाँ लगी?

   सन 1920 में लंदन के ऑलम्पिया शहर में लगी।

13.  लार्ड बी.पी. भारत प्रथम बार कब आयें?

   सन 1876 में।

14.  लार्ड बी.पी. कितनीबार भारत आयें?

   तीन बार सन 1876, 1921, 1937.

15.  लार्ड बी.पी. अपनी  पत्नि के साथ कितनी बार आयें?

      दो बार सन 1921 व 1937 में।

16.  रोवरिंग तो सक्सेस नामक पुस्तक कब लिखी गई?

         सन्‌ 1922 में।

17.  लार्ड बी.पी. वर्ड चीफ स्काउट कब बने?

         सन्‌ 1920 की प्रथम जम्बूरी में।

18.  लेडी बी.पी. वर्ड चीफ गाइड कब बनी?

         सन्‌ 1930 में।


Q.1    What is the full name of Baden Powell?

Ans   Lord Robert Stephenson Smith Baden Powell.

Q.2    When and where was Baden Powell born?

Ans    22nd February 1857 at 16 Stenhope Street, London.

Q.3    What is Paxhil?

Ans    Baden Powell’s house is named as Paxhil.

Q.4    What is the full name of lady Baden Powell?

Ans   Miss. Olave St. Clair Soames.

Q.5      When did Scouting come in to existence?

Ans      In the year 1907.


Q.6      When did Scouting begin in India?

Ans      In the year 1909.

Q.7      When did guiding begin in India?

Ans      In the year  1911.

Q.8      How many parts are there in Scout/Guide promise?

Ans      Three parts

           (a)   To do my duty to God and my Country

           (b)    To help other people and     

 (c)     To obey the S/G law

Q.9      When is Scout/Guide sign shown?

Ans      (a)        At the time of taking oath/promise

            (b)        To show his/her identification

            (c )       At the time of reaffirmation of S/G Promise

Q.10    Who composed Scout/Guide Flag Song?

Ans      Shri Daya Shankar Bhat.

Q.11    What is the duration of singing the flag song?

Ans      45 Seconds

Q.12    Who composed Scout/Guide prays song?

Ans      Veer  Dev Veer.

Q.13    What is the duration of singing the prayer song?

Ans      90 Seconds

Q.14    Who composed National Anthem?

Ans      Rabindra Nath Tagore.

Q.15    What is the duration of the National Anthem?

Ans      52 Seconds

Q.16    What is the ratio of the National Flag?

Ans      3:2.

17.       When was the First experimental scout camp was held?

Ans.     In 1907 at Brownsea Island, English Channel

18.       From whom did BP learn the practice of ‘Left hand Shake’?

Ans.     Ashanthi Tribes

Q.19    What is the minimum age to join the scout movement?

Ans      10 Yrs.

Q.20    In which side of the pocket/Sleeve membership badge is to be worn?

Ans      Left pocket (Scout)/ Left sleeve (Guide).

Q.21    Which level of Scouting Guiding movement is also known as ‘Tenderfoot’?

Ans      Pravesh.

Q.22    In 1921 and 1937, who were the persons related to our movement visited India?

Ans      Baden Powell and Lady Baden Powell.

Q.23    November 7th is an important day for BS&G. What is the importance?

Ans      Flag day/Foundation day of BS & G.

Q.24    On whose honour is the Scout/Guide promise administered?

Ans      On one’s own honour.

Q.25    A Scout/Guide saves every paisa .Which point of S/G law is being referred here?

Ans      8th point of S/G Law.

Q.26    Physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. To achieve What, do we

give this explanation? 

Ans      S/G Motto – Be prepared.

Q.27    When you meet somebody who is in uniform, but you are not in

            Uniform, How do you identify yourself as a part of the movement?

Ans      By showing the scout/guide sign.

Q.28    A flag is 120 cms long and 100 cms wide. Is this proportion correct?

Ans      Wrong: 3:2 à120 cms : 80 cms

Q.29    Trefoil is imposed on Fleur–de-lis in our BS & G flag. What does it denote?

Ans      Three fold of promise.

Q.30    Name the flower denoting the three parts of the promise in S & G

            movement which is from Canada.

Ans      Fleur-de-lis.

Q.31    B S  & G emblem  comprises of (a) Trefoil (b) Fleur-de-lis and a 3

            part. What is it?

Ans      Ashok Chakra.

Q.32    International brotherhood is denoted by a basic knot. Which is

            that knot it?

Ans      Reef knot.

Q.33    Where is our National bird seen in Scout uniform?

Ans      On the cap badge.

Q.34.   Who designed the World Guide Flag?

Ans.     Miss.Frokh Kariass from Norway

Q.35    Who wrote the book Aids to Scouting?

Ans.     Baden Powell

Q.36    Where is the international training centre?

Ans.     Gilwell Park, London

Q.37    Who started scouting in India?

Ans.     Dr.G.S.Arundale with Dr.Annie Besant

Q.38    Who wrote the story of Kim?

Ans.     Rudyard Kipling

Q.39    For how many days, Mafeking war take place?

Ans.     217 Days

Q.40    Expand WAGGGS

Ans.     World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Q.41    Expand WOSM

Ans.     Wordl Organisation of Scout Movement

Q.42    When and where was the first All-India jamboree held?

Ans.     Delhi, 1937, 1-7, Feb.

Q.43.   Name the only world that can be replaced in S/G promise?

Ans.     God with Dharma

Q.44    What do the two stars in the World Scout Flag denote?

Ans.     Law and promise

Q.45.   What does Ashok Chakra in the middle of BS&G Flag denote?

Ans.     It denotes the Indian character of the movement.


Q.1      Who is the chairman of Patrol in Conrail?

Ans      Patrol Leader.

 Q.2      What is Patrol Corner?

Ans      A place where the members of a patrol meet discuss and carry out the patrol


 Q.3      How can protect the end of a rope from fraying out?

Ans      By whipping.

 Q.4      Which knot is used in bandages?

Ans      Reef Knot.

 Q.5      Which knot is used for Life Saving?

Ans      Bow Line.

 Q.6      Who is the Chairman of Patrol-in-Council?

Ans      Patrol Leader Concerned.

 Q.7      Who is the leader of the smallest unit of a group/company?

Ans      Patrol Leader.

 Q.8      To join two slippery ropes, which knot is to be used?

Ans      Fisherman Knot.

 Q.9      To call the troop leader, what whistle signal would you use? 

Ans      One long blast followed by three short blasts.

 Q.10    Which exercise is the only BP six exercise done with feet apart?

Ans      5th

 Q.11    In first aid, base, point , ends and sides are all the parts of what?

Ans      A triangular bandage.

 Q.12    Which sling is used to support only the wrist?

Ans      Cuff and collar sling.

 Q.13    Which knot is used to tie parcels?

Ans      Reef Knot.

Q.14    Which knot is used to shorten a rope without cutting it?

Ans      Sheep shank.

Q.15    Expand COH

Ans      Court of Honour

 Q.16    What is the size of the Patrol Flag?

Ans      20cm X 30cm X 30 cm(Base = 20 cm, Side = 30 cm)

 Q.17    If two stones are kept one over the other, and the smaller one to

            one side, what does is show?

Ans      To go to the side shown by smaller one.

 Q.18    Which knot is known as the king of knots?

Ans.     Bowline

 Q.19    What is the shape of the patrol flag?

Ans.     Triangle

 Q.20    What is the smallest unit of a troop/company?

Ans      Patrol

 Q.21    Which knot is known as the Hercules Knot?

Ans.     Reef Knot

 22.       What is the health salt called?

Ans.     ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution)

 23.       What does drill mean?

Ans.     It means training the individual to certain movement immediately.

 24.       Which knot is used to tie a sheet  of cloth to a rope?

Ans.     Sheet Bend

 25.       If the strands of a rope are getting frayed out in the middle, how can your secure

and give strength to the weak portion?

Ans.     With the help of a Sheep Shank

 26.       Which hitch is used to make a cloth line?

Ans.     Clove hitch

 27.       Which hitch is the starting point for all the lashings, except diagonal lashing?

Ans.     Clove hitch

 28.       Which BP’s Six exercise is known as cone exercise?

Ans.     Fourth exercise

 29.       Which is the only BP’s six exercise which is supposed to be done barefoot?

Ans.     Sixth exercise.

 30.       Write any four contents of a First Aid box.

Ans.     Adhesive plaster, roller bandage, triangular bandage, gauze, cotton, Dettol,

Scissors, salt

31.       Write any five pressure points.

Ans.     Occipital, Facial, Temporal, Carotid, Subclavian, Brachial, Radial Ulnar, Palmar

Arch, Femoral, Anterior Tribal

32.       Who are all the members of COH.

Ans.     Troop leader, Assistant Troop leader, troop scribe, troop secretary, patrol leaders

Asst. patrol leaders can attend on invitation. SM and ASMs-are supervisors.


1. Who is your Divisional Commissioner?    

2. Who is your District Commissioner?

3. Who is your Deputy Divisional Commissioner?

4. When was the First Indian Jamboree held?

Ans. 1937 (before independence); 1953 ( after independence)

5. Where is the National Training Centre of BS&G located?

Ans. Pachmarhi, MP

6. Where is the National Headquarters of BS&G?

Ans. M G Road, I P Estate,New Delhi

7. Who is the National Commissioner of BS&G?

Ans. B. L. Nagaralee

8. Where is National Adventure Institute of BS&G located?

Ans. Pachmarhi, MP

9. On whose honour, our BS&G headquarters building is named?

Ans. Lakshmi Mazumdar

10. Expand JOTA

Ans. Jamboree On The Air

11. Expand JOTI

Ans. Jamboree On The Internet

12.Expand APRO

Ans.Aims, Policy, Rules and Organization

13. Who countersigns the proficiency badge certificates?

Ans. District Commissioner

14. How many chapters are there in Scouting for Boys?


15. How many campfire yarns are there in Scouting for Boys?


16. After you become 18 years old, if you want to continue in this movement, what is the name given to you?

Ans. Scouts – Rovers; Guides – Rangers

17. Name the four world centres

Ans. Our Chalet (Switzerland), Paxlodge(London), Our Catana(Mexico) and Sangam(Pune, India)

18. Who was the first national commissioner in Scouting?

Ans.Hridaya Nath Kunjuru

19. Who is the chief patron of BS&G?

Ans.The President of India

20. What are the basic principles of BS&G?

Ans.Duty toward God, Duty to others and Duty to Self.

21. Who is the chief commissioner of KVS State BS&G?

Ans. Shri.Avinash Dixit

22. How many proficiency badges are given in toto in APRO for Scouts?

Ans. 94

23. Where is the international headquarters of scouting?

Ans. Geneva

24. What are Kim’s Games?

Ans. The games for training of your senses.(Sense training games)


1.      Who is the founder of Scouting / Guiding? Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell. 

2. Where was Baden-Powell born? When? In Gilwell, on Feb 22, 1857. 

3. What the full name B.P? Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell. 

4. Who was B.P’s mother? Daughter of the British Admiral W. T. Sonyth. 

5. Who was Joseph Brewer Smith? B. P’s great grandfather. 

6. When did B. P’s father die? When Robert was about three years old. 

7. Where did B. P study? Charterhouse School in London. 

8. What was B. P’s hobby in his childhood? Hiking, camping, sailing and tracing the source of the river Thames. 

9. When did B.P. become a captain? B.P. became a captain in British army at 26. 

10. What was the nickname given to B. P. by the Africans? IMPESSA. 

11. What does IMPESSA mean? “Wolf that never sleeps”. 

12. When did B.P. become a Colonel? In 1899, before he left for Mafeking. 

13. Where is Mafeking situated? In South Africa. 

14. Who was the Sergeant Major of the Mafeking during the time of Seize? Goodyear. 

15. By what means were the letters distributed at Mafeking during Seize? Bicycle. 

16. What was the area of Mafeking during the time of seize? About 5 miles.

17. When and where did B.P. die? B.P. died on Jan 8, 1941, in Kenya, Africa. 

18. Who is the author of the book, “Aids to Scouting”? Baden Powell. 

19. What is called as B. P’s second life? Scouting. 

20. Who was the chief of the world’s Girl Guides? Lady Baden Powell. 

21. Who wrote the story of Baden Powell? William Hillcourt. 

22. Who was Mr. William Hillcourt? Director of Boys Scout of America. 

23. What inspired B.P. to start Scouting / Guiding? The war of Mafeking. 

24. When was the war of Mafeking? In 1899. 

25. How long was the war of Mafeking? For 217 days. 

26. When and where was the first Scout camp held? In 1907, at Brownsea Island, Dorset, England. 

27. Which was B. P’s first book on Scouting? “Scouting for Boys” 

28. When did Scouting come to India? In 1909. 

29. When and where was the first scouting for Indian boys started? In 1915 in Bengal. 

30. When was B.P. declared Chief Scout of the World? In 1920 at the end of the first World Jamboree. 

31. When was the Bharat Scouts and Guides started? Nov 7, 1950. 

32. Where was the first Jamboree held? London. 

33. What is first Aid? First aid is immediate help given after injury. 

34. What are the four ports of observation? Seeing, Hearing, Smelling and tasting. 

35. What is the goal of scout/Guide movement? To form good and honest citizens. 

36. What type of Scouting did BP want to promote? Peace Scouting. 

37. What does a scout/Guide try to be good at? Scout / Guide craft. 

38. What is the use of the Reef Knot? For bandage, parcels, and packing. 

39. With what hitch does the diagonal lashing begin? Timber Hitch. 

40. With what hitch does the square lashing begin? Clove hitch. 

41. What are the different types of lashing? Parallel lashing, sheer lashing, Diagonal lashing, Square lashing, Tripod lashing etc. 

42. What is the Scout / Guide handshake? Left hand shake. 

43. What is the joyous part of a Scout’s Guide’s life? Camping. 

44. What does the camping bring to a Scout? Health and Happiness. 

45. What is the knowledge of animals and nature called? Woodcraft. 

46. How can you learn about different kinds of animals? By following their tracks. 

47. Where does the whole sport of hunting animals lie? In the woodcraft. 

48. How does a Scout / guide get to like the animals? By watching the animals in the open. 

49. What is the chief duty of a Scout/Guide? Help those in distress in any possible way one can. 

50. In the old days who were the real Scouts? The Knights. 

51. What should a Scout/Guide do if he/she had forgotten to do the daily good turn? He / she must do two the next day. 

52. Can a scout/guide be satisfied by reading books and think that he/she knows?    No, he / she must practice it often.

53. When a scout / guide has learned all saving tricks what shall he / she have?   Confidence in oneself.

54. What qualities does a scout / guide need to carryout all his / her duties? He / she must be strong, healthy and active.

55. How does a Scout / Guide keep himself / her self fit? By doing exercises in the Morning and evening.

56. What is the purpose of a Scout’s / Guide’s exercise? To keep up the circulation of blood.

57. How does a scout / Guide avoid thirst? By breathing through the nose.

58. What is the test to become a scout/Guide? Tender Test.

59. What does ‘Be Prepared’ mean? Readiness to do one’s duty.

60. What is ‘Be Prepared’ in mind mean? Disciplining oneself.

61. What is ‘Be Prepared’ in body mean? Making oneself strong, active and able.

62. What direction does the Scout/Guide Badge show? The North

63. How does a troop / Company stand for flag break? In horseshoe formation.

64. What badge one gets for his / her hobbies? Proficiency Badges or merit Badges.

65. What is a treasured companion of a scout / guide? The Staff.

66. How many members can be there in a patrol? Six to eight.

67. What name does a Patrol bear? An animal’s name.

68. How does a Fox bark? Ha-ha.

69. What is the cry of the night jar? Chur-r-r-r-r.

70. What is the cry of a wild boar? Broof – broof.

71. What colour is advised for bulldog? Light Blue and Brown.

72. What is the colour of the owl? Blue.

73. What is the dress of Stork? Blue and White.

74. Who were the first tribes of South Africa? Zulus.

75. Who is the author of the book “My sixty years in the Plains”? Bill Hamilton.

76. Which American President had great admiration for Scouting? Roosevelt.

77. How was the man who was good at finding ways in a strange country called? Path Finder.

78. Which is the direction or point, a Scout / Guide most often talks about? North Point.

79. How is the real North known as? True North.

80. Which star represents a man wearing a sword and belt? Orion.

81. What is the meaning of “Red at night, shepherd’s delight”? Fine day coming.

82. Who is the author of the Book, “The book of woodcraft”? E. Thompson Seton.

83. What should one learn in Sea – scouting? Swimming.

84. When was the first Air Scout camp held? 1907. 

85. Where was the first Air Scout camp held? At Brown Sea Island. 

86. Where is the Brown Sea Island? In the English Channel.

87. At least how many yards should a person be able to swim to travel in a boat? 50 yards with clothes on.

88. Who were trying to experiment and make some kind of air-machine? Wilbur and Orville Wright.

89. To which country Wilbur and Orville Wright belong? America.

90. What do the Scouts / Guides use for signalling? Signal fires or smoke fires.

91. What does this smoke signal mean “Three big puffs in slow succession”? Danger.

92. What does “A succession of small puffs” mean? Come here to rally.

93. How does a Scout / Guide cover the fire? With a damp blanket.

94. Who used to signal news by means of beats on a drum? Tribes of Africa.

95. What every Scout / Guide ought to learn for signalling? The Morse Code.

96. What signalling is done by waving arms at different angles to each other? Semaphore.

97. What is the meaning of ‘Q’ in signalling? Q means ‘wait’.

98. What is the meaning of ‘R’? Message received correctly.

99. How does the Scout master / Guide captain call the troop /company together? What signal he / she uses? “Whistle signals” – the Scout’s / Guide’s call.

100. How can you prevent the end of a rope from becoming fragile? By whipping the rope.

101. Which shelter is the simplest form of a hut? Bivouac shelter.

102. How is bark or slabs of wood called? Shingles.

103. Who build their houses without poles? South African inhabitants.

104. Whose house is known as ‘teepee’? Red Indian’s.

105. Who uses the axe equally well left-handed or right? Good axeman / axewoman.

106. How is trunk cut into lengths called? Log.

107. How many bridges did Scouts make in Ashanti? Nearly 200 bridges.

108. With how many ropes do the natives make bridges in the Himalayas? 3 ropes.

109. How is ‘Scouts / Guides going from country to country travelling camp called? Tramping camp.

110. Whose tent is generally in the centre with flag and camp fire? Scout master’s / Guide captain’s tent.

111. In which country the Scouts squat on their heels? India.

112. How many kinds of fires do the Indians use? 4 kinds.

113. Can you name the four types of fires the Indians used? Council Fire, Friendly Fire, Signal Fire, Cooking Fire.

114. Which books give instructions for laying a fire? Two Little Savages.

115. What type of fire is used in North America for heating the tent? Reflector fire.

116. Whose method does the Boy Scouts of North America follow for fire-lighting? The method used by the Red Indians.

117. Who makes fire by sawing a log with a whipping cane? Borneos.

118. What are the only two things that Scouts / Guides leave behind on breaking up camp? a) Nothing and b) Thanks to the owners of the ground.

119. When one wants to observe wild animals, what should one do? Stalk animals.

120. What are some of the games in stalking? Scouting, hunting, message running, deer stalking, flag raiding.

121. What game is played in the open country and often killing, capturing are needed? Wide Games.

122. Can you say one of the Scout sayings? “Never say die till you’re dead.

123. Which are the exercises recommended for making the heart strong? The struggle and wrist pushing.

124. What exercises make the stomach work? Cone, body bending and twisting

125. What exercises make the Bowels active? Body bending, kneading of abdomen.

126. What games help to develop strength? Wrist pushing, staff tossing, follow the leader, and the struggle.

127. Which English poet wrote these words: “It is better to trust fresh air and exercise than to pay doctor’s bills to keep yourself healthy? Dryden.

128. How do germs spread diseases? Through air and water.

129. Which disease has affected a great many people because of spitting? Tuberculosis.

130. What is the knot used for saving a drowning person? Bowline.

131. What is the knot used for rescuing a person in a building on fire? Fireman’s Chair Knot.

132. What does it indicate when there is bleeding from the ears and insensibility after a fall? Injury to the skull.

133. What is the best antidote for all stings? Ammonia.

134. Can you tell some of the games in First Aid? Missionaries, Wounded Prisoners, Displays.

135. To restore anyone who is apparently drowned or someone who is not breathing, what should one do? Give Artificial Respiration.

136. When do we ask a person to breathe entirely through mouth? When bleeding from the nose.

137. Which is an excellent practice instead of tramping or cycling? Boat cruising.

138. Who is the Chairman of Patrol – in Council? Patrol Leader.

139. When and where was the first Girl Guide Movement started in India? Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)

140. In which year Lady B. P. become World Chief Guide? In 1930

141. How many stars are there in Great Bear? Seven Stars

142. What is Magnetic Variation? The Angle between True North and the Magnetic North

143. What is the full name of B. P.’s father? What was his profession? Herbert George Baden Powell. He was a professor of Geometry at Oxford.

144. What’s the name of the school where B.P. was first admitted? Dame School in Kinsington.

145. Who is the advisor of Court of honour? Scout Master / Guide Captain or Asst. Scout Master / Asst. Guide Captain.

146. Where and when was the first Gilwell Wood badge course in India held? Calcutta in Tolly Gunj from 3rd to 12th February, 1922

147. Who was the first Camp Chief of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in India? Sardar Har Dayal Singh.

148. Where and when was the 1st Training Conference of the D. C. C.’s held? Punjab State Training Centre at Tara Devi in the year 1954

149. When was “SANGAM” World Guide Centre opened? October 16th, 1966.

150. From whom did B.P. borrow the idea of left-hand shake? Ashanti Tribe of Africa

151. What is the meaning of the left-hand shake? It means a person trusts the other as he/ she offers his/her left hand putting away a shield for protection. In short it is a sign of friendship and trust. Besides, the left hand is nearer to the heart.

152. What are the four essential branches of Scout/ Guide Training? Character, Health and Strength, Handicraft and Service to others.

153. What is the International Scout/ Guide Emblem? The “Fleur-de-lis.”

154. Where and when was the First Himalayan (Rover) Wood Badge Course held? N.T.C. Pachmarhi from 28th May to 6th June 1958.

155. Who laid the structure of B.P. Memorial Guide Bhawan and which year? The then President of India, Dr.Rajendra Prasad, in 1956.

156. With which section is “Totem pole’ related? Cub Section

157. What represents the white block having shape of revised “L” at the lower fly and corner of the World Guide Flag? It shows our commitment to Peace.

158. Which part of a trestle is known as “Transom”? The upper most horizontal spar of the trestle.

159. In which year was the First World Guide Company started? In 1910

160. From which year was the World Committee of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts introduced to the new World Trefoil?1991

161. The Scout/Guide Movement are based on few principles: What are those principles? Duty to God, duty to others and duty to self

162. What is the meaning of Agraj and Agraja? Agraj means Elder Brother and Agraja means Elder sister

163. When and where was the first Camp of Girl Guides held in the World? In 1924, at Fox Lease, England

164. How many World Centres are having WAGGGS and Where? Four, Our Chalet in Switzerland; Pax Lodge in U.K.; Our Cabana in Mexico; Sangam in India

165. Where and when was the Ist World Jamboree held?Olympia, London, in 1920

166. How many Countries and how many Scouts participated in the First World Jamboree? 34 Countries and 8000 Scouts

167. For getting down from the tree Scouts and Guides take the help of a hitch, what is the name of this hitch? Draw Hitch

168. Who was the first Chief Patron of the Bharat Scouts and Guides? Dr. Rajendra Prasad

169. In which year was the branch for Handicapped Scouts started in the World? 1925

170. Who was the first Camp Chief of Gilwell? Captain Francis Gidney 1919-23

171. From which year was Rashtrapati Rover/ Ranger Award started? 1971

172. Who is the present National Commissioner of Bharat Scouts & Guides? Shri Lalit Mohan Jain

173. In which year did the Girl Guides Association merge with Bharat Scouts and Guides?1951

174. As per the rules of the association, how many Vice-Presidents in the Bharat Scouts & Guides are there? Six

175. Who was the Second Camp Chief of Gilwell? Colonel J. S. Wilson

176. What is the aim of Rovering? Brotherhood and service for others

177. Where is the National Training Centre? Parchmarhi in Madhya Pradesh

178. What is the full form of A.P.R.O? Aims, Policies, Rules, Objectives

179. Name the thread on which Scouts/Guides wear the whistle? Lanyard

180. When is the World Literacy Day? Sept. 8

181. When is the World Habitat Day? Oct. 5

182. At the age of 72 by whom was B.P. conferred the highest honour of “Peerage”? By King George V of England

183. When and where was the first Guide Company formed? In 1910, in England

184. Give the full form of WAGGGS. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

185. How will you extend First Aid in case of stings and bites? Treat the sting with vinegar, if a bee stings use ammonia or washing soda.

186. Who wrote “Hand Book for Girls” and when? B. P. with the assistance of his sister, Miss. Agnes Baden Powell in 1912.

187. What do you mean by “Investiture”? A ceremony by which a boy/ girl becomes a Scout.

188. What was the initial idea of B.P. on Scouting/ Guiding? “A School of citizenship through woodcraft”.

189. Who was called the “Hero of Mafeking”? Baden Powell

190. On the head stone of B. P’s grave we find the Scout/ Guide sign, a dot inside a circle. What does it mean? “I have gone home”.

191. Where is B. P’s grave? In Nyeri, Kenya

192. On whose advice did B.P. give up his army career in order to look after the Scout/Guide Movement? King Edward VII

193. When and with whose help did B.P. start Girl Guide Movement? In 1910, with the help of his sister, Agnes Baden Powell

194. What is the National Bird, National Animal and National Flower of India? They are Peacock, Tiger and Lotus respectively.

195. Who established the Indian Boy Scouts Association in South India and When? Dr. Annie Besant, assisted by Dr. G. S. Arundale, in 1916.

196. Who established the Seva Samithi Scout Association in North India? Pandit Madan Mohan Malavia and Pandit Hridayanath Kunjru, assisted by Shri Ram Bajpai, in 1917.

197. What are the Honorary Degrees given to Baden Powell? Here are the Honorary Degrees given to B.P. LLD Edinburgh (1910); LLD – Toronto, LLD – McGill, Montreal, D.C.L. – Oxford (1923); LLD – Liverpool (1929) and LLD – Cambridge (1931)

198. Mention, with the year, some of the many Honours and Awards that B.P. received?

1901 -Companion of the Order of the Bath

1909 -Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath Knight Commander of the Victorian Order 1910-Order of Merit of Chile

1919 -Knight of the Grand Cross of Alfonso XII (Spain)

1921 – Storkos of the Order of Danneborg (Denmark) Order of the Commander of the Crown of Belgium

1922 – Commander of the Legion of Honour (France)

1923 -Grand Cross of the Victorian Order

1929 -First class of the Order of Merit (Hungary)

1931 -The Grand Cross of the Order of Merit (Austria)

1933 -Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword (Sweden)

1937 -Wateler Peace Prize

199. When and where were the World Scout /Guide Jamborees held?

1920 -Olympia, London.

1924 -Copenhagen, Denmark,

1929 -Arrowe Park, Great Britai,

1933 -Godollo, Hungary

1937 -Vegelenzang, Holland

1947 -Moisson, France

1951 -Bad Ishil, Austria

1955 -Niagara on the Lake, Canada

1961 -Manila, Phillipines

1963 -Marathon, Greece

1967 -Idaho, U.S.A.,

1971 -Nippon, Japan

1975 -Oslo, Norway

1983 -Alberta, Canada

1987 -Sydney, Australia

1991 -Mt. Sorak, South Korea

200. When and where were the National Jamborees held in India?

1953 – 1st Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

1956 – 2nd Jaipur, Rajasthan

1960 – 3rd Bangalore, Karnataka

1964 – 4th Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

1967 – 5th West Bengal

1970 – 6th Maharashtra

1974 – 7th Faridabad, Haryana

1979 – 8th Maraimalainagar, Tamilnadu

1982 – 9th Both Gaya, Bihar

1986 – 10th Bangalore, Karanataka

1990 – 11th Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

1994 – 12th Palghat, Kerala

1998 – 13th Chennai

2002 – 14th

2005 – 15th Haridwar

2009 - 16th Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh , Shankarapally , 

2016- 17th Mysuru, Karnataka 28.12.2016 to 04-01-2017

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